If your application does not list a recommending person (or the membership entrance committee is not satisfied with the level of detail their recommendation provides), you may be granted Conditional Membership.
Conditional Membership allows you to participate in club events while your membership application is under review. The process can complete as soon as you have attended 2 club-organized events, which may take weeks or months depending on your interest and eligibility for specific events. This process ends in you becoming a club Member unless the leaders of the events you have attended express specific concerns about working with you.
To complete the Conditional Membership process and become a Member, you must email clubgorizont@gmail.com a request to be approved as Member. The request must list the dates and trip leader names for the 2 events you have attended. Otherwise conditional Membership will expire at the end of the calendar year and you will not become a Member. The club may convert Conditional Membership to Membership automatically after 2 events, but this is not guaranteed. Either way, you will be notified via email of the outcome of your Conditional Membership period.
The club may terminate Conditional Membership after just 1 event if the event leader provides sufficiently negative feedback.
Uncompleted Conditional Membership expires on Dec 31. If you have attended only 1 event but still want to join, you will need to apply for another calendar year of Conditional Membership. There is no need to fill out the online questionaire or waiver again, but you must email clubgorizont@gmail.com to request conditional membership extension. You will need to pay another application fee.
Events attended prior to the current Conditional Membership period count towards the 2-event requirement. E.g. if you become a Conditional Member one year but attend only 1 event, Conditional Membership for the following year requires only 1 additional event to become a Member.
Occasionally, the club hosts events open to the public. These also count towards the 2-event requirement. (Note: not all facebook events/groups containing the name “Gorizont” are formally associated with the club – email clubgorizont@gmail.com to find out if a particular event qualifies).
To avoid the complexity of multiple conditional membership periods, we recommend that people completely new to the club apply near the beginning of the calendar year. Most of the club’s educational and training programs begin in early spring.
A Conditional Member will become a club Member only upon the completion of a two-event requirement. In the meantime, for all purposes said individual shall not be a Member, or treated as a Member, or receive any benefits a Member would otherwise receive. If said individual fails to fulfil the two-event requirement within the time frame provided, such an individual shall forfeit their application fee for that year and may re-apply the following year.